Oversea Mooncake 海外天月餅
超豪味也让人想到海外天长青月饼“万紫千红”,这一颗用火龙果和莲蓉打造的水果月饼,是在N年前一发市,就饼如其名,红得万紫千红,很多海外天月饼粉丝,每一年中秋月饼一推出,就要抢一粒“万紫千红”解相思。此外,海外天广受欢迎的烘皮系列 ,包括各种水果与坚果口味月饼和白莲蓉双黄,以及海外天创新的流心月饼系列与冰皮月饼在今年仍继续提供出售,旨在让大家欢聚一堂,共同品味这份珍贵的美味!
Incorporated in 1984. Wholly owned by Oversea Enterprise Berhad (a company listed in the Ace Market). The Halal production plant is located in Shah Alam with a capacity of approximately 65,000 sqft.
With a reputation for excellence in its product through manufacturing and more than 10 years of history, Oversea Production Sdn Bhd utilizes some of the most advanced equipment, coupled with a unique and customized manufacturing process, strict quality control, and strong technical support.