BanHeang 萬香马来西亚土产
1997年仅有二十岁的他,在母亲曾来音和三位员工的陪同下,以家庭模式来开始经营。 当时萬香饼家从研发、生产、包装、卫生、批发、送货及市场经营,都由饶狄万先生一手包办。
1999年生意逐渐增加,在生意策略考量下搬迁至槟城马六甲街继续拓展业务 。
萬香饼家是槟城第一家研发出多种不同口味淡汶饼的饼家,成功研发出 橙味、香草味、咖啡味及虾米味的淡汶饼。在当时饼界可说是首开先河的创举,也间接影响了至今槟城饼界百花齐放的良性竞争。
生活离不开咖啡, 文化也少不了手信。2020年, 萬香饼家首度与世界知名品牌星巴克首度跨界合作。
Mr. Leow Tit Ban, the founder of Ban Heang, has transformed a family-style pastry business into a renowned Malaysian specialty store. The journey of entrepreneurial endeavors, embarked upon in 1997, unfolds as follows:
In 1997, at the young age of twenty, Mr. Leow Tit Ban embarked on his entrepreneurial journey with the accompaniment of his mother, previously involved in music, and three employees. The business was initiated in a family business. At that time, Ban Heang, from research and development, production, packaging, hygiene, wholesale, delivery, to market operations, was all managed single-handedly by Mr. Leow Tit Ban.
As business grew in 1999, Ban Heang relocated to Malacca Street in Penang under strategic considerations to further expand its operations.
Ban Heang became the first native product shop in Penang to develop a variety of flavors for Tambun biscuits, introducing orange, pandan, coffee, and shrimp flavors. This groundbreaking innovation not only set a precedent in the biscuit industry but also indirectly influenced the healthy competition in Penang's biscuit sector that thrives to this day.
In order to establish Ban Heang as a representative Malaysian specialty, Mr. Leow Tit Ban spent five years building from scratch in external settings. He became a senior manager of a retail shop more than twenty branches in the Northern region of Malaysia, which contributed to his acquisition of valuable experience in store management and operational models.
In 2009, Mr. Leow Tit Ban decided that the time was ripe and thus resigned from his senior managerial position, utilizing the accumulated five years of experience to propel Ban Heang forward, step by step, towards realizing his initial ambitions.
In 2010, Ban Heang relocated its business from Melaka Street to Macalister Road at Georgetown. At that time, the bakery elevated the quality of all its products, aiming for excellence in taste, appearance, and fragrance. Coupled with the continuous enhancement of employee performance, this commitment led to the provision of outstanding customer service. From its humble beginnings with just four individuals, Ban Heang gradually expanded to include over a hundred like-minded partners.
In 2018, Ban Heang ventured into franchising, becoming a member of the Malaysian Franchise Association.
In 2019, Ban Heang established its own membership system, introducing more benefits to reciprocate the enduring support of its customers.
Life is inseparable from coffee, and culture is incomplete without souvenirs. In 2020, Ban Heang embarked on its first cross-industry collaboration with the globally renowned brand, Starbucks.
Despite Ban Heang 's current achievements, its original aspiration remains steadfast—to carry forward the culture of gifting in the Chinese tradition and to promote Malaysian specialty souvenirs to every corner of the world.
Heartfelt service, stringent quality, innovative thinking, and systematic management constitute the vision of Mr. Leow Tit Ban and his dedicated team for Ban Heang.